
学费 & 财务信息

The Xaverian 校董会 has confirmed tuition for the 2024-2025 school year at $18,每名学生100英镑, 和11美元,创世纪学生975, 扣除的费用.
Xaverian is proud to offer many different types of aid for students 和 families.  每年,Xaverian分发大约4美元.从我们的捐赠基金中获得100万的学术奖学金和基于需求的经济援助. Xaverian also offers scholarships to sons/daughters of the NYPD 和 FDNY.  All of these offerings are outlined below, along with application procedures.  Please note that Xaverian does not offer Athletic 奖学金.
每个高中级别的家庭为每个学生额外支付250美元的活动费,包括体育和校内会员, 俱乐部会员, 以及所有团体和组织的成员资格. 所有学生每年还要支付135美元的技术费.  Incoming freshmen also pay a non-refundable registration fee of $250.


  • 活动费用

  • 受校董会规管

学生可以同时获得 学术音乐 奖学金!

入学新生必须在2023年10月1日至12月15日期间提交经济援助申请. 您必须提供2022年的所得税复印件. Be sure to follow the instructions listed at right for FAIR application procedure. 

在线申请流程 所有其他学生(新生除外) 将开始 2024年2月1日 结束于 2024年4月1日. 你必须提供一份2023年的报税表. Be sure to follow the instructions listed at right for FAIR application procedure.

If you have any questions regarding the financial aid application process, 请与商务办公室联系,电话 (718) 836-7100 x180.

Applications are mailed to an independent processing firm, F.A.I.R. (财政援助独立审查)进行分析. Awards are based on families' need, as it compares to other families' applications. 从历史上看, 经济援助资助范围在600美元到3美元之间,000 per family 和 are contingent upon favorable academic 和 discipline reviews.

这项援助是通过外围博彩平台向我们外围博彩平台的捐赠基金捐款的方式提供的, 父母, 以及其他支持者. 对我们捐赠基金的兴趣使我们能够增加向有需要的家庭提供的财政援助的数额. 
Xaverian offers nearly $1 million in need-based financial aid annually, the largest amount of any private or parochial school in New York City.


  • 公平申请信息


    In order for families to apply for financial aid online, they will need the following:
    1. 外围博彩平台编号= 132
    2. 密码= xhs132
    3. 有效的电子邮件地址
    4. 信用卡付款(Visa或Mastercard)
    5. 一份完整的2022年联邦所得税申报表,包括所有时间表和W-2表格(10 -12年级需要一份2023年联邦所得税申报表)
    In order to begin the application process 父母 should go to www.fairapp.com 并按“家长登入”连结. They can then create a user account using their email address 和 a password that they select. 一旦他们创建了一个用户帐户并登录,他们就可以在线完成FAIR申请.

    一旦你完成了申请流程, 您将收到一个确认页面,确认FAIR已收到您的申请,并收到一封重新确认的电子邮件(提交纸质申请的家庭将收到一封确认收到您的申请的明信片)。. 确认页面和电子邮件也会提醒您尽快将您的纳税申报表提交给FAIR. 

    For Incoming Freshman Only: Online applications may be submitted beginning 2023年10月1日

    截止申请日期为 2023年12月15日
    当前大一新生, 二年级和三年级学生:重新在线申请, 网上申请可以开始提交 2024年2月1日
    截止申请日期为 2024年4月15日
  • 外部资助

    哥伦布公民基金会为符合条件的意大利裔美国学生提供奖学金. 访问 www.columbuscitizensfd.org 有关详细信息,.

    圣名协会为纽约警察家庭的孩子提供天主教高中奖学金. 访问 www.bqholyname.org 有关详细信息,.
  • 额外的儿子奖学金 & 纽约警局和纽约消防局的女儿们

    这些奖学金颁发给有学术前途的九年级新生, 还有经济需求. If there are other circumstances that you believe merit the attention of the administration, 请另附信. 如果家长是纽约警察局或FDNY的制服警官,那么所有Xaverian学生都有资格通过富通基金计划获得每年500美元的学费减免. 请致电x180查询. The deadline for the Class of 2028 to apply for the Fortis Fund for 学年 2024-2025是5月1日.



  • Xaverian高中现在的学费是多少?

    The 校董会 has announced that tuition for Xaverian High School grades (9-12年级)2024-2025学年为18,100美元.
    学费 for our Genesis Program (6-8) is $11,975 for the 2024-2025 school year.
  • 学费包括学费吗?

    All school fees are due by July 1st 和 are not refundable.

    Incoming students pay a one time only registration fee of $250. 
    Seniors pay a Graduation fee of $300 during their senior year.  
    For detailed information regarding all Xaverian 和 Genesis fees, 请致电(7180836-7100x180与学费办公室联系

    也, 作为Xaverian活动费用的一部分,  Xaverian provides a death benefit for all families that covers all future tuition payments, 如果为孩子支付学费的父母在孩子就读Xaverian期间去世.  All fees 和 tuition are annual, 和 are communicated to all families.
  • 学费有折扣吗?

    Xaverian High School提供1.75% discount to families who pay the entire tuition by July 15th.  有 no discounts for payments received after July 15th. 
    Xaverian High School also offers financial aid 和 scholarships to qualified students.
  • 如果我对我的账单、报表、逾期付款或付款计划有疑问,我该找谁?

    If you have a question pertaining to your monthly payment plan with SMART TUITION, 请直接拨打1-888-868-8828与他们联系, 或电子邮件 父母@smarttuition.com
    请致电(718)836-710x180或182联系Xaverian高中学费办公室,了解有关Xaverian高中或Xaverian Genesis的所有账单问题. 
  • Xaverian提供哪些支付学费的选项?

    所有学费都直接支付给SMART学费, the tuition processing company for all Xaverian 和 Genesis students. SMART学费的每月付款计划允许学生和家庭将学费分成无息每月付款, 而不是分两次支付全年的费用. 

    2023-2024年付款计划 选项


    – Families pay the entire tuition to SMART TUITION by JULY 15th 和 receive a 1.75%的学费折扣,更少的奖学金和其他费用. (不收取报名费)

    选项2:半年度计划 - families pay 50% of the tuition to SMART TUITION on JULY 15th 和 50% on JANUARY 15th. (无报名费.)

    选项3:8个月计划: Families break tuition payments into equal installments from September through April. ($40 SMART学费行政费用)

    选项4:10个月计划: Families break tuition payments into 10 equal installments from JULY through APRIL. ($40 SMART学费行政注册费)

  • 为什么每月支付SMART学费?

    通过Smart学费的每月付款计划,学生和家庭可以将学费分成无息每月付款, rather than pay for the entire year in one or two lump sums. Simply start with your educational expenses for the school year. 减去任何补助金或经济援助, 和 divide this amount by the number of payments you choose to make. 这是你的月供.
  • 我如何注册智能学费?

    In just a few easy steps you can 招收 in your 学费 Pay Plan online. The entire process takes just a few minutes 和 is totally secure. 网上报名: 招收.smarttuition.com  (外围博彩平台代码= 10979).
  • 我如何申请经济资助?


    In order for families to apply for financial aid online, they will need the following:
    1. 外围博彩平台编号= 132
    2. 密码= xhs132
    3. 有效的电子邮件地址
    4. 信用卡付款(Visa或Mastercard)
    5. 一份完整的2022年联邦所得税申报表,包括所有时间表和W-2表格(10 -12年级需要一份2023年联邦所得税申报表)
    In order to begin the application process 父母 should go to www.fairapp.com 并按“家长登入”连结. They can then create a user account using their email address 和 a password that they select. 一旦他们创建了一个用户帐户并登录,他们就可以在线完成FAIR申请.

    一旦您完成申请流程,您将收到一个确认页面,确认FAIR已经收到您的申请,以及一封重新确认收据的电子邮件(提交纸质申请的家庭将收到一封确认收到您的申请的明信片)。. 确认页面和电子邮件也会提醒您尽快将您的纳税申报表提交给FAIR. 
    截止申请日期为 2023年12月15日
    当前大一新生, 二年级和三年级学生:重新在线申请, 网上申请可以开始提交 2024年2月1日
    截止申请日期为 2024年4月1日
  • Xaverian高中提供奖学金吗?

    Xaverian High School offers academic scholarships to qualified students, 还有音乐奖学金给那些符合条件的人. Xaverian High School does not offer Athletic 奖学金.

  • How do I apply for an academic scholarship or a specific grant?

    有关纽约市警察或消防员子女外围博彩平台助学金的信息,请与招生办公室联系 (718) 836-7100 x127.
  • What is Xaverian High School's 学费, Payment, 和 Refund Policy?

    第一笔学费500美元.00美元,注册费250美元.00 are due at the time of registration for incoming students, 和 are non-refundable.

    所有费用和会费在新生注册时直接支付给Xaverian, 而且是不可退款的.



    有 no tuition refunds after April 1st of the current school year.


    撤回或解雇前 第一天 of 外围博彩平台开始:

    任何在新学年开始前退学的学生都有权获得全额学费退款, 更少的费用和注册保证金.



    Withdrawal or dismissal after April 1st of the current school year.

    没有退款 和 the entire tuition is due for any student who leaves after April 1st.


    • 9月前提款. 15 -无责任
    • 9月间提款. 九月十五日及三十日. -全部学费的1/8
    • 10月1日以后提现-全部学费的2/8
    • 11月1日以后提现-全部学费的3/8
    • 12月1日以后提现-全部学费的4/8
    • 1月1日以后提现-全部学费的5/8
    • Withdrawal after February 1st — 6/8 of the entire tuition
    • 3月1日以后提现-全部学费的7/8
    • 4月1日以后提现,全额退还学费

    4月1日后不予退款th of the current school year, 和 all tuition 和 fees are to be paid in full by April 1st.
  • 捷恩斯在Xaverian的退款政策是什么?

    第一笔学费750美元.00美元,注册费250美元.00 are due at the time of registration for incoming students, 而且是不可退款的.




    有 no tuition refunds after April 1st of the current school year.


    撤回或解雇前 第一天 外围博彩平台开始:

    任何在学年开始前退出创世纪的学生都有权获得全额学费退款,扣除注册费和非学费相关费用. 新生的第一笔付款是1000美元.00美元的学费和注册费不予退还.


    任何学生, 谁会在9月1日之后退出创世纪, 将负责每个月的学费(9月至4月),而参加创世纪($10,475美元)和费用.

    Withdrawal or dismissal after April 1st of the current school year.


    • 9月前提款. 15 -无责任
    • 9月间提款. 九月十五日及三十日. -全部学费的1/8
    • 10月1日以后提现-全部学费的2/8
    • 11月1日以后提现-全部学费的3/8
    • 12月1日以后提现-全部学费的4/8
    • 1月1日以后提现-全部学费的5/8
    • Withdrawal after February 1st — 6/8 of the entire tuition
    • 3月1日以后提现-全部学费的7/8
    • 4月1日以后提现,全额退还学费

    有 没有退款 和 the entire tuition is due for any student who leaves after April 1st.
  • What is the school’s policy regarding releasing school records?

    从泽维尔或创世纪被调离或解雇, 外围博彩平台不会公布任何外围博彩平台记录, with the exception of State Exams (ie: Regents) until all tuition, fees 和 any other financial obligations have been paid in full.
  • Xaverian提供教育贷款吗?



成立于1957年, Xaverian is one of thirteen schools nationwide sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.